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Does My Child Need Pediatric Physical Therapy?

Pediatric physical therapists make it fun for your child to recover from an injury or improve in physical strength, coordination, balance, sensory perception, and other areas. Read on to discover how to determine if your child could benefit from pediatric physical therapy services.

After A Recent Injury

Kids run and play, and sometimes injuries happen. Pediatric physical therapy can help your child recover faster after an injury, and just as importantly, heal properly.

When we’ve been injured, we have a tendency to relearn specific tasks and activities, doing them in a new way to compensate for the injury. However, when this new way of handling tasks becomes a habit, it can throw the body off balance. If your child is doing this, she or he may need professional assistance in a therapeutic setting to stop compensating for the injury and start healing properly.

When An Old Injury Resurfaces

Perhaps your child has healed just fine from an injury (a great outcome!) but months or even years later, the old injury resurfaces and creates symptoms of discomfort, imbalance, and pain. In this case, pediatric physical therapy can address, reduce, and eliminate symptoms through everything from simple but targeted exercises, to teaching your child management techniques to employ whenever symptoms surface.

For Specific Conditions

Pediatric physical therapy can address a wide range of conditions that may be causing challenges for your child. These conditions include (but are not limited to) development delays, genetic disorders, muscular weaknesses, skeletal impairments, neurological disorders, and more.

In Northern Colorado, the therapists at Colorado In Motion are trained in the musculoskeletal systems of the body and can help pinpoint the cause of challenges your child is experiencing, as well as create a plan of action to help your child overcome these issues and gain both confidence and expertise in a range of physical activities!

For Nonspecific Reasons

There will be times when it’s just not clear why symptoms are present, or why your child is struggling with specific tasks (anything from holding scissors or pencils correctly, to navigating the playground equipment at school), but even when the reason is unclear, pediatric physical therapy can help.

A therapist is able to analyze a child’s weak areas and come up with a plan designed to bring about improvements. Through patience, repetition, and targeted therapy, your child can make progress, at their own pace, with the help of therapeutic modalities.

Pediatric Physical Therapy In Northern Colorado

If you feel your child is struggling with certain physical tasks, or with physical activities in general, the caring, qualified staff at Colorado In Motion invites you to make an appointment. Our experience and trained eye can help pinpoint the source of the problem and develop a plan to address the issue and champion progress.

In addition, we offer other pediatric services that can assist. These include pediatric occupational therapy, which addresses developmental delays that may be hindering your child at home or at school, and our early intervention program that’s designed to help children from birth through age three through in-home physical therapy services.

Ready to schedule your child’s pediatric physical therapy appointment? Get in touch with Colorado In Motion today!

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